Manifest. Terminalizm. Red flag

Terminalday7. TERMINALIZM

In November 2014, the first exhibition dedicated to the Terminalizm was held in St. Petersburg. The date has been referred since as the ‘date of birth’ of the movement

Terminalizm demonstrates how to be equal among equals. People are the same and must respect actions of each other, be tolerant and feel goodness of the cooperation.

Terminalday7. tizer::1 TERMINALIZM. 2014

According to Ivan Kulikov, Creative Director of Terminal Design, Terminalizm is the language of group self-expression. A method is based on rhythm and black and white graphics by which we are identified. ‘Copying the same symbol-term each person will create it in his own way and will attach a special meaning and character, but will act according to the rules of Terminalizm repeating the terms of the previous author and trying to reproduce them as accurately as possible.’

‘The essence of our art movement consists in the aesthetization of rhythm, in love to order and rhythm’, Ivan explains.”

Terminalday7. tizer


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